Walmart pharmacist Fredrick James Efu-Awich embraces gratitude.
In tough times, it can be hard to find reasons to be thankful. But Fredrick James Efu-Awich, who goes by Efu, believes in cherishing each day.
A pharmacy clinical services manager (PCSM) in Region 61, at Store 4264 in Oro Valley, Arizona, Efu has been with Walmart for 15 years. Originally from Nairobi, Kenya, he offers these suggestions for spreading positivity:
1. Support Your Team
At work, Efu’s positive attitude means helping his team do their best even in the face of challenges. He says he’s helped his team cope with the chaos of the pandemic by listening, offering support and recognizing their efforts.
“No matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish,” Efu says. “There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it.”
2. Recognize the Support of Others
Efu joined Walmart in 2006, working as a pharmacy intern at Store 824 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He later served as a staff pharmacist and a pharmacy manager before moving into his current role. Just as he helps his associates do their best, he says others have helped him as well.
“In all the positions I have held, there have been numerous people that have helped, and continue to help me along the way in realizing my full potential,” explains Efu.
3. Help Your Community
Efu brings his positive attitude toward life with him to work, and says finding success means more than just doing his job. “We have had to introduce ourselves to our communities,” he says. “We have had to be visible and available to meet the different needs of our community members.”
Sometimes meeting the needs of the community means more than just acting as a pharmacist. Efu says his team participated in “Days of Giving,” in which they would identify community organizations that could benefit from their support and forward the name to a Walmart committee that chose groups from across the nation to receive grants.
“My career journey with Walmart continues to be a fulfilling one,” Efu says. “Personally, I continue to believe that Walmart for me is indeed ‘That Place!’”
Between July 22 and August 18, look out for more stories about growth, giving and getting it done!